Why You Should Avoid Sweets for Toddlers?

Why You Should Avoid Sweets for Toddlers?

Why You Should Avoid Sweets for Toddlers? Sweets, like candies, cookies, and sugary snacks, can be tempting treats for toddlers, but they can also have significant effects on their health and development. As parents, it’s important to understand how consuming sweets can impact your toddler’s physical health, behavior, and overall well-being. Let’s explore the effects … Read more

How Baby Learns Scheduling & Timing Through Feeding Routine

How Baby Learns Scheduling & Timing Through Feeding Routine

When you think about teaching your baby important life skills, you might not immediately think about the feeding routine. However, the process of feeding your baby is one of the first and most crucial ways they begin to understand the concepts of scheduling and timing. Let’s dive into how this happens and why it’s so … Read more

Why Children Don’t Like Veggies?

Why Our Children Don’t Like Healthy Veggies instead of Meat

It’s a familiar scene for many of us: a plate full of colorful vegetables, greeted by our kids with scrunched-up noses and hesitant pokes. This dislike of vegetables isn’t just about taste; it has to do with their biological and developmental needs. To understand why kids often resist vegetables, we need to look at the … Read more

Negative Impacts of Social Media on Teenagers | A Guide for Parents

positive and negative impacts of social media on teenagers and guidelines for parents

Why Watching Screens is Dangerous for Children? Social media has become an integral part of modern life, offering platforms for connection, communication, and entertainment. From Facebook to Instagram, Pinterest to LinkedIn, and Snapchat to TikTok, there are many social platforms with billions of active users. However, alongside their enormous benefits, social media also brings many … Read more

How to Keep Children Away from Screens: Cut Down Screen Time and Engage Kids in Screen-Free Activities

How to keep your children away from screens and Cut down screen time and engage your kids in screen free activities

Why Watching Screens is Dangerous for Children? Excessive screen time can have badly negative effects on a child’s physical and mental health. Prolonged exposure to screens, especially for young children, has been associated with disrupted sleep patterns, decreased physical activity, and developmental issues. The blue light emitted from screens can interfere with the production of … Read more